Perry Rylance

Personal & Professional blog


Hi there! Perry here.

This site is a kind of portfolio, you’ll find my resume here, as well as some of my own personal IT projects and experiments.

It’s also a home for the fruits of my various musical projects throughout the years, as well as other projects, such as camper conversions and other things I have created and enjoyed.

My popular DOMDocument library for PHP has been released and is now available on Packagist. Version 3.0.0 doesn’t include any
I’ve just pushed up a development version of my new library, DOMForm, which is now available for testing. This library
This is a recipe using the same spice mix listed in my Squid and spinach curry. This makes a great
As part of a larger project I’m working on, I’ve developed a small Windows CLI application that waits for audio
60 minutes prep and cook, serves 2 – 4. This is a recent experiment of mine that bears some resemblance
This was inspired by this Bangude Gravy udupi style recipe. I’m a huge fan of fish curry, with monkfish and
I’ve long been a fan of programatic composition and creating and manipulating MIDI in general. Readers may be familiar with
I have just published an updated version of my scale chart. The update includes styling tweaks, TypeScript, and a new
My take on a traditional Sri Lankan chicken curry, with thanks to Raj from Colombo. Serves 3 – 4. Ingredients
As readers have probably worked out, the main focus of this site is to be an online portfolio for myself.
As I’ve been off work for a couple of weeks, I’ve had some headspace for working on personal computing projects.
Unfortunately my train horn piano project is now over and done. The train horn piano was destroyed in a shed
An as of yet unfinished project, introducing Big Z!
WordPress has come a long, long way since I started working with it some eight years ago. The introduction of
I’ve now got all the parts for the Train Horn Piano and am finalising the build. The horn rack is
Here’s an iteration of a concept I came up with over the holidays. If you’re a web developer, you might