Perry Rylance

Personal & Professional blog


Hi there! Perry here.

This site is a kind of portfolio, you’ll find my resume here, as well as some of my own personal IT projects and experiments.

It’s also a home for the fruits of my various musical projects throughout the years, as well as other projects, such as camper conversions and other things I have created and enjoyed.

My REST Cache is now live on the plugin directory! This cache is extremely fast and is a very
I’m very pleased to log that my REST Cache plugin has been approved by the WordPress plugin team! I’m having
I’m very pleased to announce the formal release of two of my libraries, comprised of three different modules. EventDispatcher Firstly,
REST Cache is a plugin for WordPress, which significantly speeds up calls to the REST API. WordPress’ REST API is
I’m very pleased to log that my REST Cache has been submitted to the plugin team, and should have
I’ve broken my DataTables library into two parts. The server side package no longer includes any JavaScript or client side
I’ve worked with Node.js a great deal in the past however I’m relatively new to ES6 in terms of syntax.
I’ve decided to move away from ES5 JavaScript and into ES6 / ES2015 as it’s something I’ve been wanting to
My REST Cache plugin for WordPress, powered by Laravel, is coming on very well indeed. I’ve facilitated saving plugin settings
Today was largely uneventful as I’ve been experiencing issues with the server this site resides upon. After much back and
PSR-4 autoloading is the standard mechanism by which Laravel loads classes. I hit a few stumbling blocks as a relative
Over the weekend and at the start of this week, I’ve been doing some customisation work for users of WP
I’ve been following this article today on how to get Laravel setup in the context of a WordPress plugin. The
Yesterday marked my last day with Code Cabin after nearly four years as the Lead Developer on their flagship software
I’ve submitted my new DOMDocument library to Packagist, so it’s now available for installation via Composer. I’ll be setting that
I’ve previously written an extension of PHP’s DOMDocument library, which I’ve used for many, many different projects. I’ve been looking